Soul Logic - Practical Talk on Leadership & Awakening

Your hosts, Scott Masciarelli and Cindy Jennings are logic-focused professionals who have been on their spiritual awakening journey for years. In each episode, experience real talk on deepening your relationship with self. Learn how to find balance between the mind‘s logic and soul‘s intelligence. Topics focus on increasing inner power and authority, living authentically, enhancing personal leadership and embracing personal freedom. Join us at Soul Logic for entertaining, practical insights on awakening your personal leadership skills and becoming a more connected and conscious person.
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
High Vibe Mindset - Stop Comparing & Stay Positive
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Our world is full of distractions. Many designed to divert your attention and intention from what you're doing. In the process, you begin comparing yourself to others. We all do and it's something we've learned from a very young age. In this episode we'll discuss the pitfalls of comparing and holding a strong opinion. Learn actions you can take to remain positive and experience a mindset reset amidst the distractions of social media, the news and any relationships which are no longer energetically aligned. Join us for this motivating conversation. #stopcomparing #soullogic #highvibe #transformationalpodcast
3:20 how dipping in and dipping out of negative events helps in managing our energy and emotions
6:20 identifying your intention prior to posting on social media
13:20 how news, current events and social media can pull us off balance and manifest as physical conditions in our body
15:20 being put in positions to be compared against others. “We’re conditioned to compare.”
16:30 feeling the friction can mean that we’re not being self-determined and authentic to ourselves
20:00 too much opinion gets in the way of staying positive consistently
22:00 what’s the child thinking or feeling? A great way to stay positive!
24:00 where’s the focus, on the gap or the gain?
27:00 high vibe - attract your tribe. Knowing your intention allows you to attract like-minded people.
28:00 When we grow, things change around us as we change.
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Stop Sucking it Up. Learn to Communicate What You Need.
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Have you ever been blamed or shamed for an action? Or maybe just felt judged? Perhaps you were the blamer, shamer or judge. Underneath these behaviors are needs--yours and those of others. When we learn to recognize those needs in ourselves and those we relating to, and communicate them with compassion, we build bridges to one another rather than build walls.
Join Cindy and Scott as they discuss the "how-to's" of Marshall Rosenburg's research and methodology centered on non-violent communication.
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Exploring Your Heart’s Power - Its Magnetic, Electrical and More!
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Our heart is the most powerful organ in our body and has a significant role in communicating to us, yet most times we aren’t paying attention. In this episode, what we share will cause you to view your heart from a different perspective. From its powerful electrical field and Earth-aligned rhythm to its dialogue with our mind and impact on our intuition. Tune in and become more heart-centered and aware of the messages your heart is sharing with you. #heartfield #heartintelligence #soullogic #transformation
2:10 How the heart is referenced in our culture
3:40 Importance of coherence measured by the heart
4:50 The electrical field generated by the heart and its relationship to the Earth
6:40 “the energy in the room” you’ve sensed it, here’s why
8:30 Breathing our way to a more relaxed heart
9:20 The 4 ways our heart communicates with our body
12:10 The push/pull between what is and what we’re feeling or not feeling
13:40 When the brain takes control and doesn’t listen to the heart
19:10 How being in coherence allows for better decisions and more happiness
21:10 Trusting the heart in friendships and relationships - Our feelings matter.
23:10 We attract what we are through our heart electrical fields
25:10 Tips to create more inner ease and calm
27:40 How to make an easier decision with no regret
31:10 Our heart aligned with the planet’s natural rhythm
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Using Frequency to Heal - A Sound is Not Just a Sound
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Wednesday Aug 17, 2022
Energy is infused in every word we speak and every musical note we hear. In this episode we look at the harmonics of sound. We explore how the intention behind what we speak affects its vibratory rate and impact on another. As well as, the healing power of sound at the cellular level. Join us for a fascinating topic that will awaken you to practicing more intention around sound in your life. #soundhealing #harmonichealing #soullogic #transformation
2:20 The intention behind the sounds we hear
3:30 The relationship of our spine’s vertebrae with sound
5:20 Everything is vibration says Albert Einstein
8:25 The healing impact of sound at the cellular level
14:20 Power of the spoken word in a science experiment
16:40 The impact of what we say to survive or thrive (goose bump conversation)
20:20 Self talk and the choice we have in what we say
21:25 The complexity of the Om (aum) sound and how it’s our soul frequency
25:20 Practices to incorporate more intentional sound into your life
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
Wednesday Aug 03, 2022
You can glean more intelligence from your body that from just your brain. When you tap into the full ecosystem of your body's intelligence from your mind, heart and gut brains, you can make better decisions for yourself that are aligned to your true heart's desire and life purpose.
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
My Shadow Keeps Following Me Around -- Finding the Light
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
We wear many masks that keep our true selves in the dark, in our shadow, that follows us around until we can finally pull a mask off one by one and let our inner self breath into the light. Listen in as Cindy and Scott discuss what shadow work is and why exploring our inner depths leads to increased lightness and personal freedom.
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
You’re Worth it! Doing the Inner Work Leads to Personal Freedom
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
The freedom to do, be and have what we want in life is something many seek. Arriving at this place in a congruent and authentic way means doing the work. In this episode we discuss the allure of spiritual bypassing vs navigating the construction zone of personal development. Through this process, how lessons become less frequent and the healing journey quicker. As we become more empowered, the learning is life-changing and the payoff is fantastic, Personal Freedom in all areas of life. #soullogic #personalfreedom #transformation #Findingpersonalfreedom
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Creating Space to Be Present
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
There is much to do. So much, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed. This episode of Soul Logic is chock full of ways to recenter yourself and become present whether in a week or weekend-long retreat or just a few moments for a respite from the hustle and bustle around us and within us.
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Moving From Lonely to Not Alone
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
When you are disconnected from your true self, you can feel alone. In this episode, Scott and Cindy discuss finding the courage to embrace the journey that takes you inward and the importance of trusting yourself as well as finding community and flow.
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Breaking Through the Confidence Barrier
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Confidence is a big word that sometimes eludes us in various areas of life. At times we may be more confident in our work or personal life and wonder why we can’t be as confident in the other. In this episode we’ll discuss how to break through the confidence barrier by taking action so that we’re making progress in all areas of our life. Plus we share a fantastic example from Albert Einstein on our human conditioning! Tune in to boost your confidence.
#confidence #soullogic #improvingconfidence #transformation #personaldevelopment
8:00 Breaking through the confidence barrier by taking action
9:00 How delay increases a lack of confidence
10:00 Challenges in this area due to blurred boundaries from COVID
11:00 Those close to you can be a great gauge of the confidence you exude and may dismiss
13:00 Albert Einstein’s powerful example of how we’re trained to look for what’s wrong vs. what’s right
15:40 The triangulation of where confidence can come from and how to leverage it
18:00 Specific tips you can put into action to increase your confidence in all areas of life
21:00 Start small and notice what’s working
23:00 Slowing down helps us to reduce intensity around any situation
24:00 What has increased use of our electronic devices done to us needing others less?
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Behind the Toxicity of Emotional Immaturity
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
From ghosting to blame, denial and gaslighting, we’ve all been in situations where either we or the other person didn’t behave with emotional maturity. In this episode we’ll discuss some of the more prevalent examples of emotional immaturity and what’s underneath the behavior. We’ll also share some tips to defuse those highly charged situations where we may not be acting as emotionally mature as we’d hoped. Join us for this rich conversation on a topic which exists in interpersonal relationships and on social media.
#emotionalmaturity #gaslighting #ghosting #soullogic #transformation
2:50 Owning our actions
4:40 Putting the pause in a conversation and tapping into our emotions
5:20 Gaslighting - the ultimate in low emotional maturity
9:00 The slippery slope of addressing a gaslighter
16:10 Emotional maturity allows for greater ability to be in and process pain
17:40 How ghosting leaves you questioning “what did I do”
20:10 Sending compassion and love to someone who isn’t able to be in the pain
21:30 Reacting versus responding in highly charged situations
22:00 Tuning into our inner compass in measuring our emotional maturity
23:00 How waiting gives both us and the other person a moment to process
31:00 How listening, curiosity and questions improves communication
34:00 Classic signs of lower emotional maturity including blame, denial and more
35:30 How shadow work increases our emotional maturity
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Don’t Take Spirituality So Seriously—Enjoy the Flow
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Sometimes along the way we get bogged down in the 'work' associated with doing our work. Cindy and Scott discuss keeping the journey and personal exploration in perspective and how to find and enjoy life's flow to have more fun while we're here on this planet.

Scott Masciarelli
Scott Masciarelli, MCC is a Master Certified Coach who helps his clients create inner harmony to lead more effectively in their work and life. He believes many of us are hearing the call to answer the question, "what's next?" and step into an even greater version of ourselves. Scott’s coaching style helps people relax into the experience and connect with the essential reason they are here. For coaching services and more visit:
Cindy Jennings
Cindy Jennings has been on her journey of awakening and inner exploration for years. She created the Inner Essentiality Program to help people embark on a self-discovery journey to who they truly are underneath the labels we take on: leader, employee, boss, mother/father, friend. The journey of inner exploration, of inner awakening, is necessarily internal and individual. But you need not journey alone. Visit